Karen Harrison

I have also learned a great deal about the effects of energy on Rocky, he is an emotional horse and adjusting my energy helps him. If I have my energy/breathing high in my chest, my shoulders tense, then this affects emotional issues. Keeping my energy low down in my body and keeping my breathing there too I can help to keep him settled. Synchronised breathing with your horse is very satisfying and if you are leader you should be able to raise or lower the breathing rate of both of you. I have achieved this with Rocky but not every time. This is partly because the average breathing rate per minute for horses is 8 – 12 at rest and humans is 12- 20 so I have to be conscious not to let myself become short of breath but if I breathe properly I can achieve 8 breaths a minute.

Karen Harrison
Yorkshire. Working on the A.E.B. Instructorship Course