
Jackie Tye

The course has changed my relationship, not just with Obe, but with the other equine assisted learning ponies here, and I have been able to impart much of my new found knowledge to the learners, thus spreading the message, that there is a better way or being with horses, and looking after them.

The main thing that I have seen in myself is an increasing desire to BE more and DO less, to take time just sittng and watching my little herd, rather than
thinking that I ought to do things with them, like work them etc. Obe has benefitted from me being much slower around him, and I now spend more me being with him, and not minding if he’s dirty or that I haven’t worked him, especially if the weather is bad. I spend more time stroking him, rather than grooming as a prelude to tacking up and doing things.

I am immensely grateful to Sue Gardner for her encouragement and support, and I believe that my destiny with Obe, and indeed all horses is closer now.

Jackie Tye
Director of New Life Horse Care
Program Leader for Stay Safe Horsemanship Program for Young Learners with Special Needs.